About Us

About Us

The Eczema Clinic was founded by Emma Williams RN (Child) Dip, Cert.Ed, MSc EPP, a registered nurse for nearly 30 years – over 20 years as an eczema specialist. Emma has a paediatric nursing qualification, and has studied Dermatology at Diploma level. She has a teaching qualification, and has a Masters degree in Enhanced Professional Practice. This ensures that the clinic remains evidence-based and up-to-date in research.

The whole philosophy of The Eczema Clinic is to provide as much education and support in order for the individual to gain confidence in managing their condition.

There is not a requirement to purchase any expensive creams, treatments or diet plans. Management plans are based around treatments that can be prescribed by your GP (on their agreement), or alternatives can be suggested.

Any advice provided is completely un-biased towards any particular brands or products.

Everybody knows somebody with eczema, and you will probably find conflicting advice around every corner! It is important to stress that what may work for one individual may not work for another. Eczema is individual, and that’s where the benefit of a personal management plan and ongoing support lies.

Unfortunately, despite much research around the condition, there is presently no cure for eczema (despite what you may read on the internet!). However,  at The Eczema clinic we strive to provide a high quality service that will enable the eczema to be kept under control as much as is possible.

Working towards improving your quality of life is only a phone call away 07956 372921